Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rick Warren Strikes Again

Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil;
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

   This morning, after grabbing my cup of coffee, I opened up my laptop and found I had left the Fox News website up. I had been keeping tabs on what was going on in Syria. One of the headlines that immediately caught my eye was one about Rick Warren, the leader of the 20,000 + member mega church, Saddleback Church in California and author of the books, "The Purpose Driven Life" and "The Purpose Driven Church", both of which I do not recommend reading.

   Rick Warren has been called America's pastor. Not that it really matters, but I have a real problem with that. I'm just as American as the next person. But in my opinion, Rick Warren does not fit the biblical definition of a pastor. Pastors are to speak the truth to a lost and dying world. Rick Warren compromises the truth. In "The Purpose Driven Church", Warren pushes numbers/members, not necessarily the salvation experience. He recommends removing things like crosses, old time hymns and even church members who don't go along with the purpose driven church plan. The evangelical church today should be embracing the cross, the old time hymns and the saints who believe the gospel. If it weren't for the cross of Christ, I wouldn't be on my way to heaven today. I love modern praise and worship. But it's the old time hymns that truly make my heart sing out to the Lord. And it's the saints that hold on to the true gospel, who pave the way and pray for the rest of us. Warren also is a proponent the "Chrislam" movement. He encourages it and has been a guest speaker to push that agenda to the sheeple.

   So what headline was it that I felt it was important enough to blog about today? Fox News, the Christian Post, the Christian News Network and other news sources posted the headline that Rick Warren regretted making a video (supposedly only for Saddleback church's eyes) in 2008 saying that he was supporting Proposition 8 and biblical marriage... marriage between a man and a woman. He regrets taking a stand for what the bible says about marriage being between a man and a woman? Really? You regret taking a stand with the Creator of both man and woman? Are you kidding me?

   This post to my blog today isn't about my stance on homosexuality and gay marriage. Anyone who knows me knows that I believe both homosexuality and gay marriage is wrong. It's not biblical and its a sin. But, just because it's wrong and a sin, it doesn't mean that we don't care about the person who lives that kind of life style. As Jesus taught, we are to love the sinner and hate the sin. All of us, and I do mean all of us, sin. Sin is sin. And we need to reach out to the gay community in the same way that someone reached out to each one of us. But I digress, that isn't my issue or the subject of my post today. My issue is with Rick Warren. God has given Rick Warren an amazing opportunity to reach out to people in the same way that Billy Graham did. He could reach out to millions with the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead of preaching "Chrislam", Rick Warren could be preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Why not take the opportunity that the Lord has given to him and give the homosexual community the chance to be set free? Luke 4:18-19 ~ "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord."

   Rick Warren is not doing those things. He is not only leading those who are in his church astray, but every person who picks up one of his books or hears him speak are getting a perverted gospel preached to them. To an extent, we ourselves are responsible to be Bereans and search the scriptures, and, if we find ourselves in a church that doesn't preach the gospel, then get out of it. But those who have been called to be pastors have a responsibility to shepherd their flocks. And anyone who follows Rick Warren's teaching, and agrees, are part of his flock. Instead of bringing sheep into the sheepfold, he's leading them astray. He's giving voice to a movement that is aggressive and shakes it's finger in the face of a loving God. Warren is, in essence, telling them, it's OK to sin. It's never OK to sin, and those of us who call Jesus Lord, struggle with sin continually. As I tell my own family time after time, I'm not perfect, just forgiven. But instead of teaching his flock how to reach for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, he is telling them that it's OK to compromise.

   As Rick Warren continues to pollute the gospel of Christ, prayer should be going up to the throne room for him, so that his heart and his eyes would be enlightened once again. God still loves Rick Warren just as much as He ever did. But Rick Warren knows the truth and is choosing to ignore it. I don't pretend to know why unless part of the reason is pride. But someone else who God gave an awesome responsibility and opportunity to, fell because of pride and led many millions astray. Seems to me he would be an example that Rick Warren wouldn't want to follow.

Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an
hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not 
minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you,
inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And 
these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous unto life eternal.

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In the next couple of days A Watchman's Words will be moving to a domain of it's own instead of using blogger. I'm grateful to the Lord and humbled that He would give me this opportunity and this ministry. I do ask for your prayers as we make the move and also in the days to come that I would hear God's voice and speak the words that He would have me to speak. The new domain will be

Until next time!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

No Turning Back

But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I should write to
you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the so cometh as a thief in the night.

      Recently I have seen quite a few videos and read a number of articles that have come to the same conclusion... that bible prophecy is coming to pass right before our very eyes, and it's coming to pass at a rate like never before. Many have noted that in the past, they really had to search for events that fulfilled bible prophecy. And were fortunate if they had something monthly, much less weekly. But now bible prophecy is coming to pass so quickly, it's hard to keep up.

   I am blessed to be taught by a number of bible prophecy teachers. Pastor JD Farag from Calvary Chapel Kaneohe. He has some excellent video teaching on YouTube on their channel Aloha Bible Prophecy. Pastor JD is an Arab, born in Jordan. For six years now, at the Lord's direction, Pastor JD has been doing a Mideast Prophecy Update at the beginning of their Sunday morning services. He has recently had to start an occasional Midweek Mideast Prophecy Update on Thursday nights because of the increase of prophecy coming to pass. As he says, he is continually having to update the update. Pastor JD has been saying quite a bit that the speed that we are seeing bible prophecy unfold is surreal. Geoffrey Grider of Now The End Begins also stated this past week that he is super busy trying to keep up with all that is happening in the world today and keep his blog and radio programs on BlogTalk radio up to date. In the Nearing Midnight section of the Rapture Ready website, both Terry James and Todd Strandberg stated in their December 3rd articles, that we are seeing events happening at an exponential rate of speed. These are just a few examples of bible prophecy teachers coming to the same conclusion.

   So where are we in the scheme of things? What events are happening that would bring so many to the same conclusion? I'll list just a few: 1. Unrest in Egypt and Mohammed Morsi becoming the evil leader of Isaiah 19, 2. Unrest in Syria and the coming destruction of Damascus according to Isaiah 17. President Bashar Assad has ordered that deadly sarin gas be mixed and loaded into bombs and readied to be used. This is definitely huge and I just can't help but thinking that it won't be much longer and Damascus will no longer exist. 3. There's an increase in the number of earthquakes according to Matthew 24:7, 4. An increase in the number of wars and rumors of wars according to Luke 21:9, 5. The NWO (new world order) and one world religion according to Revelation 13.

   Israel is God's time piece for the end times. In 1948 Israel defied the odds and became a nation in a day. Isaiah 66:8 ~ "Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen  such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in a day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children." Israel was dispersed among the nations in 70 AD for crucifying her long awaited Messiah, six million Jews lost their lives in the Holocaust, but miraculously, on May 14th, 1948, Israel became a nation again and her children started coming back to their promised land. Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 24:32, to learn the parable of the fig tree. Jesus used that parable to explain to them that when the fig tree's branches are tender, and puts forth leaves, they knew that summer was near. So likewise, when they saw all these things begin to come to pass, they would know that His 2nd coming was near, even at the door.  If Israel becoming a nation again was the beginning of birth pains, then how much closer are we today to His coming again to the earth? But He will come as King of kings and Lord of lords to rule and reign forever.

   Time is running out. I told a friend on the phone tonight that I believe we are at 11:59 and 45 seconds. As I have heard Pastor JD say: "There's no more time to get ready, you need to be ready NOW!" Jesus told us in Luke 21:28 ~ And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Jesus will be here to take His bride home to heaven, make no mistake about it. Someday soon, you're going to look for someone you love, someone you know, who knew Jesus and warned you of this time, and they will be no where to be found. And by then, it will be too late. Jesus will have come for His church and taken them out of the way while everyone left on the earth will face the judgments of the book of Revelation. But let me ask you this: If you can't live for Jesus now, what makes you think you will be able to serve Him in a time where you either starve or eat, take the mark or not take the mark and live or die? Those are the choices that you will be faced with. If you choose to live for the Lord Jesus, you won't eat, you shouldn't take the mark, and if you don't take the mark, it will mean almost certain death. Please don't wait until then to make the right choice. Make that right choice now, so that you will be ready to go in the rapture and not go through God's wrath of Revelation. If you need help making that choice, please feel free to contact me.

And he causeth all, both  small and great, rich and poor, free
and bond to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads;
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number
of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is six
hundred threescore six.

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Very soon, my blog will be moving to it's own domain. The new domain will be: 
I'm grateful to the Lord for opening up this opportunity for me. And thank you to Mudflower Media for hosting and technical assistance.

Until next time!